The story of "The Last" revolves around Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga, who must contend with a celestial threat that puts the moon and, by extension, the Earth, in peril. Naruto and his buddies have to figure out a solution to stop the moon and planet from colliding, as the moon is headed straight at Earth. A descendant of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Toneri Ōtsutsuki kidnaps Hinata during the crisis with the intention of marrying her and using the Byakugan's power.
Naruto Movie (2004) |
Naruto Movie (2005) |
Naruto Movie (2006) |
Naruto Movie (2008) |
Naruto Movie (2009) |
Naruto Movie (2010) |
Naruto Movie (2011) |
Naruto Movie (2012) |
Naruto Movie (2014) |
The Last: Naruto the Movie (2014)