
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Blood Prison (2011)

In "Blood Prison," Naruto Uzumaki is taken to Hōzuki Castle, a maximum-security jail, after he is wrongly charged with attacking Hidden Leaf Village. Naruto has to make his way through a dangerous and intricate web of deceit in order to discover the truth about the incident, as the prison is notorious for being unavoidable. He makes friends and allies who support him in his pursuit of justice while he is incarcerated, including other prisoners with special talents.

Naruto Movie (2004)
Naruto Movie (2005)
Naruto Movie (2006)
Naruto Movie (2008)
Naruto Movie (2009)
Naruto Movie (2010)
Naruto Movie (2011)
Naruto Movie (2012)
Naruto Movie (2014)
Naruto Shippuden the Movie: Blood Prison (2011)
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