The narrative centers on Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Shikamaru Nara as they are tasked with accompanying Shion, a mysterious and intriguing priestess, back to her own country. A stone known as the Gelel Stone is capable of causing immense havoc, but Shion has the ability to seal it. A group of fighters known as the Temujai attack the group along the route with the intention of capturing Shion and using the Gelel Stone's power for their own ends.
Naruto Movie (2004) |
Naruto Movie (2005) |
Naruto Movie (2006) |
Naruto Movie (2008) |
Naruto Movie (2009) |
Naruto Movie (2010) |
Naruto Movie (2011) |
Naruto Movie (2012) |
Naruto Movie (2014) |
Naruto the Movie 2: Legend of the Stone of Gelel (2005)