Upon their return to the Crescent Moon Kingdom, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Kakashi Hatake are tasked with defending a prince by the name of Michiru and his son Hikaru. Once renowned for its wealth, the kingdom is now in decline. Prince Michiru is abducted by a band of renegade ninjas commanded by an enigmatic character known only as Shabadaba, just as the prince is about to restore his realm to its previous splendor. The bad guys want to unleash a terrible jutsu by using the moon's power.
Naruto Movie (2004) |
Naruto Movie (2005) |
Naruto Movie (2006) |
Naruto Movie (2008) |
Naruto Movie (2009) |
Naruto Movie (2010) |
Naruto Movie (2011) |
Naruto Movie (2012) |
Naruto Movie (2014) |
Naruto the Movie 3: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom (2006)