In "Road to Ninja," Sakura Haruno and Naruto Uzumaki are sent to a parallel world where they live very different lives. It is in this world that Naruto was raised as a contented and adored child by his parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Sakura, however, has emotions of loneliness and isolation after learning that her parents perished while on a mission.
Naruto Movie (2004) |
Naruto Movie (2005) |
Naruto Movie (2006) |
Naruto Movie (2008) |
Naruto Movie (2009) |
Naruto Movie (2010) |
Naruto Movie (2011) |
Naruto Movie (2012) |
Naruto Movie (2014) |
Road to Ninja - Naruto the Movie (2012)