Young people coming of age in the little made-up town of Edda are compelled to react to climate change. Extreme weather circumstances include the unexpectedly fast melting of the ice caps, protracted droughts, excessively warm winters, and an increasing frequency of extremely cold snaps. Some people think that we are on the verge of a new Ragnarok because of the way the world is evolving. Unless someone steps in before then.
Ragnarok S1 |
Ragnarok S2 |
Ragnarok S3 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep1 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep2 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep3 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep4 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep5 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep6 |
Ragnarok S3 Ep4